Sedation Dentisry

Sedation is a process by which medication helps you relax when having dental treatment.  Depending on the extent of the procedure, Dr. von Lackum may advise mild or moderate sedation and will monitor you throughout your treatment to ensure your comfort and safety.

Inhalation Sedation

 Commonly known as "laughing gas", nitrous oxide is a colorless and odorless gas that is combined with oxygen and dispensed through a mask placed over your nose.  It is considered the mildest form of sedation and is known to relax patients and even put them in a pleasant, dreamy state.  Nitrous oxide will not put you to sleep, and the amount you receive can be controlled by Dr. von Lackum.  You will remain cognizant enough to communicate, and the gas's effects wear off minutes after inhalation stops.

Oral Sedation

Dr. von Lackum may prescribe a medication to relieve any anxiety you may feel during your appointment.  Taken about an hour before your visit, the pill may make you a bit drowsy, depending on the dose.  While you are likely to remain alert enough to follow simple commands, you can be awakened easily if you fall asleep.  Because the medication may take time to wear off, Dr. von Lackum will ask that you do not drive or operate machinery for 24 hours after receiving oral sedation.

Intravenous (IV) Sedation

Sedative medicine is administered directly to the blood stream.  This type of moderate sedation work quickly, and Dr. von Lackum can continually adjust the level of medication based on your needs.  You will remain conscious, though you may be sleepy or groggy.  Although you will be more alert after your procedure, you may not remember much about it.  Because the medication may take time to wear off, Dr. von Lackum will ask that you do not drive or operate machinery for 24 hours after receiving IV sedation.

Keeping you safe

Determining whether sedation and anesthesia are right for you. 

Sedation and Anesthesia are safe and effective when provided by a trained professional such as Dr. von Lackum.  Before undergoing any type of sedation or anesthesia, Dr. von Lackum will assess your medical history and ask about any medications you are taking to determine which methods of anxiety relief and/or pain relief is right for you.  Some forms of anesthesia may require that you avoid eating or drinking to reduce the likelihood of side effects.  Dr. von Lackum will provide you with detailed instruction on how to prepare for your visit.  

Interested in SEDATION? We’re here to help!

 We cater to cowards!  Dental anxiety - whether rooted in a fear of discomfort or a sense of helplessness during a procedure - is common in many patients.  Please let our team know your level of anxiety so that we can provide the best care.  
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